In accordance with the Law 34/2002 dated 11th July, which regulates the Society of Information and Electronic Commerce Services, hereinafter please find the data of the Company which owns the web pages,, :
• Company name: BLUE 360 GRADOS, S.A.
• VAT number: A-64874167
• Registration Data: Registered in the Commercial Registry of Madrid, volume 35.968, page 131, page M-646295 section 8, entry 2
• Travel Agency License CICMA nº 3645 issued by "Consejería de Cultura, Turismo y Deportes de la Comunidad de Madrid, Subdirección General de Competitividad Turística"
• Company Address: Velazquez Street, 53, 2nd Floor left, 28001 Madrid
• E-mail:
Conditions of use
The users of the web pages,, fully and unreservedly accept all and every single condition as per this Legal Advice, so as in the event you are not in agreement with any of the conditions established in this document, you are kindly requested to refrain from using and/or accessing this portal.
Norms of use
The User is committed not to undertake any actions which could harm or damage, disable and/or overload the web sites or in any way prevent their normal functioning and use.
On the assumption of the failure to comply with the general conditions of use, privacy policy or any other terms and conditions from the web sites, BLUE 360 GRADOS, S.A reserves the right to limit, suspend and/or to withdraw the access, adopting the necessary technical measures.
BLUE 360 GRADOS, S.A. may amend the General Conditions at any moment and without previous notice, publishing such amendments in the web sites in order to inform the Users.
Responsibility Limitations
BLUE 360 GRADOS, S.A. will not be responsible for the damage and prejudice of any kind, that could be directly or indirectly derived from the access or use of the information from the web sites, nor as consequence of the information systems, nor caused by an introduction of a virus and/or informatic attacks, nor will be responsible for the damage the Users may suffer as a consequence of inappropriate use of the web sites, nor of the fall, interruptions, absence or defect in communications.
Industrial and Intellectual Property
The texts, images, videos, designs, logos, graphics, brands, software, programme codes and the rest of the contents included in the web sites are exclusive property of BLUE 360 GRADOS, S.A. or it’s Legals. BLUE 360 GRADOS, S.A. does not grant the licence to use and does not authorize the Industrial and Intellectual Property rights or any other Property or rights related to the web sites except by express agreement. Any act of reproduction, transmission, distribution, total or partial public communication must have express consent of BLUE 360 GRADOS, S.A., and is protected by national and international norms of Industrial and Intellectual Properties.
Use of the Cookies
BLUE 360 GRADOS, S.A. may use cookies to facilitate and personalise the User’s navigation at most. The cookies used by the web sites are associated only with the anonymous user and his computer, and do not facilitate access of his personal data. The user has the possibility to set his navigator to be advised of the reception of the cookies so that he can prevent their installation in his computer. In no case will the cookies be used for obtaining personal information.
It is possible that links will be included in the website to enable the User to access other web sites. In no case will the above mentioned links implicate recommendation, promotion, identification and/or BLUE 360 GRADOS, S.A. Agreement with the declarations (manifestations), contents and/or services provided via such links. Consequently, BLUE 360 GRADOS, S.A. is not responsible for the contents, conditions of use, privacy policy and the rest of conditions and information found in the above links. The User will be solely responsible for checking and accepting the contents of the same every time he accesses and uses them.
Personal Data Protection
In accordance with the actual Personal Data Protection Norm, especially the Personal Data Protection (LOPD) Organic Law 15/1999, dated 13th December, The Royal Decree 1720/2007, dated 21st December, which adopted the LOPD Development Regulations, please be informed by BLUE 360 GRADOS, S.A. that the personal data you would provide us or the personal data BLUE 360 GRADOS, S.A. could obtain as result of the navigation, consulting and/or requests from Users via the website, will be included in a BLUE 360 GRADOS, S.A. file in order to manage, maintain and control your requests for information and/or contracting of the services offered via the website.
Also, please be informed you may exercise the right of access, rectification, opposition and cancellation in written and signed communication to BLUE 360 GRADOS, S.A. Such a request can be placed by mail or E-mail to the following address:
Velazquez Street, 53, 2nd Floor left
28001 Madrid
In any case, the User is responsible for the truthfulness of the facilitated data, and BLUE 360 GRADOS, S.A. reserves the right not to provide the services to the Users who would facilitate false data, without prejudice to other actions which are available by Law.
BLUE 360 GRADOS, S.A. adopts technical, organisation and security measures which guarantee the confidentiality and integrity of the information in accordance with that established in LOPD, and other applicable Laws.
Applicable Laws and Jurisdiction
These general conditions will be governed and interpreted in accordance with Spanish law, R.D.L 1/2007 General Law for the defense of Consumers and Users and any dispute regarding them will be submitted to the jurisdiction of the Courts of Madrid, Spain.
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